Facebook Advertising Agency

Our Facebook ads specialist can help your business increase revenue and, more importantly, multiply ROAS (Return On Ad Spend) for Facebook ads.

We are a global social media advertising agency focused on performance based targeted advertising for B2C e-commerce & digital businesses.

spend managed
max ROAS achieved
leads collected

Facebook advertising services

Facebook Ad platform
Due to the character of the platform and therefore, the data it collects from users, Facebook targeting options are incredibly precise, with the power to focus on the foremost relevant audience interest, demographics, location, behavior, etc. With such high levels of targeting, we will almost guarantee your target customers are on there, expecting you to advertise
to them. Whatever you are selling, we will find the customer that desires or needs that product!

Besides, Facebook has several objective types and ad formats, which allows advertisers to make ads aimed for
a selected action. Using Facebook's pixel and your customer list, we can create custom and retargeting audiences, allowing us to succeed in users that have previously engaged with your brand — this is great for brand recognition and retention.
Facebook advertising opportunities
  • Sell your products with Facebook ads
The powerful combo of eCommerce + Facebook ads does work.

  • Generate leads for your services
One of the most efficient ways to generate leads for your business.

  • Drive mobile app installations
If you've got a mobile app, Facebook ads are definitely for you.

  • Increase ROAS with Dynamic Product Ads
DPAs are one of the most powerful tools for e-commerce.

  • Use Facebook custom audiences for remarketing
Customers who've previously engaged with your business are 80% more likely to convert and purchase!
Facebook targeting options
  • Facebook saved audiences
These are the audiences that you can determine by choosing people's location, demographics, interests, behavior, used devices, income level, language, purchase history, etc.

  • Facebook custom audiences
These are definitely your most valuable target audiences as they allow you to retarget users who have engaged with your business or with the content on your website, social media, mobile application, etc.

  • Facebook look-a-like audiences
Look-a-like audiences let you reach the people who are identical to your existing customers, which means that highly likely, they will make a conversion as well.
Facebook ads management
  • Ad campaign setup
We will choose the right advertising objective and target audience, set a budget and ad placement, create the best communication strategy.

  • Audience and advert optimizing
Our team will analyze which ad creatives and segments of your audience are performing best and fine-tune targeting to maximize results.

  • Comprehensive Facebook ad reporting
We will send you extensive but easy-to-understand reports every week, which show how your adverts are performing, including a clear CPM, CPC, CPA, and ROAS.

Get a free ad account audit from our Facebook advertising experts

if you have a project in mind and would like help from a reliable social media advertising agency!